Sunday, July 4, 2010

Ten Sunny Ways

“Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” ~Winston Churchill

The following list is very popular on different internet websites.  I regret I don't remember exactly where I found the list a few years ago, but I do want to acknowledge whoever is the originator. He/she deserves credit for creating this list, because it applies to any type of day you and I may have. I had these posted to my wall in my cubicle, and also next to my bedroom mirror. On a day when I’m dealing with stress, I focused, took deep breaths, and remembered my list.  It allowed me to get back on the right track.

It’s good to share it again and remind ourselves what a good day is all about:

10 Sunny Ways to Make Your Day a Good One!
  1. A good day is when I wake up remembering that a good day happens by CHOICE not chance!
  2. A good day is when I live the day in the present, being grateful for the little things in life.
  3. A good day is a day that I look back on and smile, because I allowed myself to be open to something new without realizing it at the time.
  4. A good day is when I can feel anger, pain, sadness, etc. but not let it take over.
  5. A good day is when I relax and go with the flow.
  6. A good day is drama free. (My choice, again.)
  7. A good day is when I'm aware that I'm a kind and compassionate person and treat myself that way.
  8. A good day is when I don't use excuses to paralyze my thoughts and dreams or allow fear to keep me from stepping out and doing something I believe in.
  9. A good day is connecting with people who are on the same self exploration journey as I am.
  10. A good day is the realization that EVERY DAY IS A GOOD DAY no matter what happens!

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